RevTube Documentation

Section 1 - How to install & basic setup

To setup RevTube:

  • Clone the Github Repo into your webservers public_html or htdocs folder (on Linux, it’s usually /var/www/html, but it could be something different)
  • Make a new SQL database
  • Import the SQL file located at sql/database.sql into your database
  • Edit the file assets/mod/db.sample.php to include your database credentials, ffmpeg/ffprobe path, and Discord webhook (optional), then rename it to db.php

If all these steps were followed correctly, your instance should look like this: RevTube: Empty instance

Section 2 - Prepare for production environment

Now that your instance is setup, you might want to make some changes to your configuration file. To disable the debugging statistics header: Open the assets/mod/db.php file and set $debug to false in the file. Now, for uploading things to work, you’ll need to make a few directories. At the root of the folder you extracted the source to in the first step, make a folder called content. Now, navigate to that folder and create the following directories: background, pfp, thumb, tmp, unprocessed, and video. If you do not make these directories, things like profile pictures, channel backgrounds, thumbnails, and video uploading will not work.


It is not recommended to follow this at the moment as steps might change.